The amount of digital Events is increasing dramaticaly. Parallel to that the visitors willingness of focusing on certain presented Products and Solutions is decreasing. Getting esclusive access to the visitors like beeing familiar with when looking at “Real Live Events” is not possible at all in the digital World.
The more importend becomes fixing a pricise appointment to transfer your indicated message to the targeted Customer/Prospective.
KOMDAT’s “Appointment Request Solution” offers an easy way to connect between Guest and personal Sales Representative or Specialist by fixing a virtual appointment. E.g. guiding a visitors over a virtual booth or setting a private Product Presentation focusing exclusivly on the Customers Needs.
KOMDAT’s “Appointment Request Solution” provides all needed process steps in one single customizable and easy to use tool:
- Definition of Time Slots with adjustable Capacities
(e.g. up to 3 same time appointments per hour between 10am – 12am) - Send personalized invitation / “Call for appontment request” eMail
- Automated eMail with appointment request to “Topic Experts”
(including Outlook iCAL file) - Real Time Dashboard und Dataexport to MS-Excel
Talk to us about your specific requirements!
Together we will find the most powerful solution fitting your needs and budget.
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